
About Angel Charity

Angel Charity for Children, Inc., is a nonprofit organization comprised of approximately 250 devoted volunteers representing a cross-section of the Tucson community. Through innovative fundraising, these dedicated ‘Angels’ are committed to providing Pima County’s children with the vibrant future they so richly deserve.

Founded in 1983 by Tucsonans Louise Thomas and Jane Loews Sharples, Angel Charity for Children, Inc. retired the mortgage and expanded the remodeled Ronald McDonald House in its first year of working miracles. Every year since then, a thoroughly researched, tax-exempt children’s agency (or multiple agencies) benefits from the year-round fundraising programs.

Find Out More

Read the Angel Charity Community Impact Brochure.

Every year our membership is committed to raise over $800,000 to benefit the children of Pima County. The needs of children in our community are greater than ever with all the budget cuts that agencies are experiencing. We ask that you review our impressive track record, and join us to support deserving agencies who are engaged in improving a child’s life in a positive way.

Celebrating 42 Years of Making Miracles

Angel Charity for Children celebrates 42 years of good works in Pima County, Arizona. In 2022, Angel Charity celebrated our 40th year. Read about longtime donors, nonprofits we’ve helped and how Angel Charity got its start in the Tucson Lifestyle Special Supplement.

40th Anniversary Tribute Book

View our Tribute Book dedicated to our Founders Louise Thomas and Jane Loew Sharples and the hundreds of Angel Charity members, volunteers and donors who have contributed to our achievements on behalf of the children of Pima County, Arizona.

Tribute Book